Conditions for recognition of martyrs and benefits for martyrs in Vietnam

What conditions need to be met now to be recognized as martyrs? What are the benefits for martyrs and martyrs' relatives in Vietnam? - Thanh Toan (Bac Ninh)

Conditions for recognition of martyrs and benefits for martyrs in Vietnam

Conditions for recognition of martyrs and benefits for martyrs in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. Conditions for recognizing martyrs

According to Clause 1, Article 14 of the Ordinance on Preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the Revolution 2020, people who sacrificed their lives for the revolutionary cause of national liberation, building and protecting the Fatherland, performing international duty, or for the benefit of the State and the People will be considered and recognized as martyrs by competent authorities when they fall into one of the following cases:

- Fight or directly serve in combat to protect independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national security;

- Carrying out national defense and security tasks in enemy-occupied areas, war zones, and areas adjacent to enemy-occupied areas;

- Direct political struggle; organized military struggle with the enemy;

- Active or participating in revolutionary or resistance activities, being captured and tortured by the enemy but still refusing to surrender, resolutely fighting or implementing the policy of escaping from prison and sacrificing oneself;

- Do international duty;

- Courageously perform urgent and dangerous work serving national defense and security;

- Directly perform combat training tasks, exercises, or dangerous national defense and security tasks;

- Due to illness or accident that cannot be treated promptly while directly performing national defense and security tasks in border areas, at sea, and on islands with particularly difficult conditions according to the list prescribed by the government;

- Directly perform the task of fighting crime;

- Particularly courageous in saving people, saving property of the State and People or preventing and arresting people who commit crimes, is a meaningful example to honor, educate, and spread widely in society. ;

- Recurrence of injuries that is the main cause of death for war invalids, people enjoying the same policies as war invalids specified in Clauses 1 and 2, Article 23 of the Ordinance on Preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the Revolution 2020 with a body injury rate of 61% or higher, have a medical record of treatment for recurrent injuries from a district hospital or higher, and a death review record;

- Missing in the cases specified in Points a, b, c, d, dd, e, g, i and k, Clause 1, Article 14 of the Ordinance on Preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the Revolution 2020, and was concluded by the competent authority not to have betrayed; surrender, recall, and desertion.

2. Regimes for martyrs in Vietnam

Martyrs are entitled to benefits as prescribed in Article 15 of the Ordinance on Preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the Revolution 2020, specifically:

- Organize death notices, memorials, burials, and registration at martyrs' memorial works.

- Posthumously awarded with the "Fatherland's Merit" Degree according to Government regulations.

- Martyrs' remains are searched, collected, identified, and buried.

- Martyrs who have no relatives to receive monthly death benefits according to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 16 of the Ordinance on Preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the Revolution 2020. The person assigned or authorized to worship martyrs will be entitled to receive martyr worship benefits. .

3. Preferential regime for relatives of martyrs in Vietnam

Article 16 of the Ordinance on Preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the 2020 Revolution stipulates the preferential regime for relatives of martyrs as follows:

- Issue "Certificate of martyrs' families" according to Government regulations.

- One-time death benefit when posthumously awarded the "Fatherland's Merit" Degree; In case there are no relatives left, the martyr's heir holding the "Fatherland's Merit" Certificate will receive a one-time death benefit.

- Monthly death benefit for the following people:

+ Biological fathers, biological mothers, children of martyrs under 18 years old or 18 years old or older if they are still in school or have severe disabilities, especially severe disabilities, people who have contributed to raising martyrs; In cases where there are many martyrs, the levels of relatives of two martyrs and relatives of three or more martyrs;

+ Martyr's spouse.

- In cases where biological fathers, mothers, people who have contributed to raising martyrs, or martyrs' spouses specified in Clause 3, Article 16 of the Ordinance on Preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the Revolution 2020 live alone, Children of martyrs specified in Clause 3, Article 16 of the Ordinance on Preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the Revolution 2020 who are orphans and are orphans are entitled to an additional monthly survivor allowance.

- Nursing rehabilitation every two years for biological fathers, biological mothers, people who have contributed to raising martyrs, spouses, and children of martyrs with severe disabilities or especially severe disabilities.

In cases where the biological father or mother has only one child who is a martyr or has two or more children of martyrs, they will receive annual health rehabilitation.

- Health insurance for biological fathers, mothers, people who have contributed to raising martyrs, spouses, and children of martyrs.

- Preferential regime specified in points d, dd, e, g, h, i and k, Clause 2, Article 5 of the Ordinance on Preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the Revolution 2020.

- Preferential regime specified in Point c, Clause 2, Article 5 of the Ordinance on Preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the Revolution 2020 for relatives of martyrs who are receiving monthly death benefits.

- Support in visiting martyrs' graves and moving martyrs' remains.

- The martyr's spouse marries another husband or wife and raises the martyr's children to adulthood, takes care of the martyr's biological father or mother while still alive, or because of revolutionary activities but does not have the conditions to take care of the martyr's biological father and mother while they are still alive, they will enjoy the following preferential treatment:

+ Monthly death benefit;

+ Health insurance.

- One-time allowance for relatives equal to 03 months of the current monthly allowance when the subjects specified in Clause 3, Article 16 of the Ordinance on Preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the Revolution 2020 who deserve monthly allowance die, except in the case of the death of the subjects specified in Clause 10, Article 16 of the Ordinance on Preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the Revolution 2020.

- Burial allowance for the person or organization performing the burial when the subjects specified in Clause 3 of this Article who are receiving monthly allowance die, except in the case of the death of the subjects specified in Clause 10 of Article 16 of the Ordinance on Preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the Revolution 2020.

Nhu Mai


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