What is the fine imposed on the act of not changing transport business vehicles to yellow license plates in Vietnam?

Changing vehicle license plates to yellow license plates for transport business vehicles in Vietnam is a noteworthy content regulated in Circular 58/2020/TT-BCA which stipulates the process of issuance, withdrawal of vehicle registration, and license plates for road motor vehicles.

According to Article 11 Circular 58/2020/TT-BCA stipulates that vehicles engaged in transport business, which have been registered with a white-background license plate with black letters and numbers, must change to a yellow-background license plate with black letters and numbers.

không đổi sang biển số màu vàng, Thông tư 58/2020/TT-BCA

What is the fine imposed on the act of not changing transport business vehicles to yellow license plates in Vietnam? (Illustration)

Regarding the procedure for reissuing or replacing the vehicle registration certificate and license plate, vehicle owners need to submit the documents as specified in Article 7 and Article 9 Circular 58/2020/TT-BCA, the vehicle registration certificate (in case of changing the registration certificate) or the license plate (in case of changing the license plate). In the case of modified vehicles, additional documents are required: documents for registration fee payment as per regulations, ownership transfer documents (for engine or frame replacement) as per regulations, and origin documents of the engine or frame.

Additionally, Clause 2 of Article 26 Circular 58/2020/TT-BCA stipulates that vehicles engaged in transport business before August 1, 2020, must change to a yellow-background license plate with black letters and numbers by December 31, 2021.

If after December 31, 2021, these vehicles have not changed to a yellow-background license plate with black letters and numbers, they will be fined according to Point d, Clause 7, Article 30 Decree 100/2019/ND-CP. To be specific:

7. A fine of VND 2,000,000 to 4,000,000 for individuals, and VND 4,000,000 to 8,000,000 for organizations that own cars, tractors, specialty vehicles, and similar types of vehicles that commit one of the following violations:

d) Failure to comply with regulations on license plates, lettering on the sides, and doors of vehicles

From August 1, 2020, newly registered vehicles will be issued a yellow-background license plate. For vehicles changing from white to yellow background license plates, the period extends from August 1, 2020, to December 31, 2021, providing a 17-month duration for units to arrange time and procedures for the change. Lieutenant Colonel Pham Viet Cong, Head of the Vehicle Registration and Inspection Guidance Department (C08, Ministry of Public Security), stated that for newly registered vehicles, the process will be swift as the license plates are readily available in stock and can be issued immediately, whereas for replacement cases, there will be a certain waiting period, around 5-7 days for the production of license plates.

Le Hai


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