Admission requirements and expected learning outcomes of university-level training program in Vietnam

What are the admission requirements and expected learning outcomes of university-level training program in Vietnam? - Thuy Phuong (Long An, Vietnam)

Chuẩn đầu vào, chuẩn đầu ra chương trình đào tạo trình độ đại học

Admission requirements and expected learning outcomes of university-level training program in Vietnam (Internet image)


1. What is training program?

According to Clause 1, Article 2 of Circular 17/2021/TT-BGDDT, training program refers to a system of designed and organized educational and training activities that count towards training objectives and a higher education degree.

A training program includes objectives, knowledge volume, structure, content, methods for assessment appropriate to the subjects, academic discipline and qualification, and expected learning outcomes in compliance with the Vietnamese Qualifications Framework.

2. Admission requirements of training programs in Vietnam

Admission requirements of training programs according to Article 6 of Circular 17/2021/TT-BGDDT are as follows:

- Admission requirements of a training program must clarify minimum requirements in terms of qualifications, capacity and experience applicable to the education level, academic discipline and training orientation for persons who wish to complete the training program successfully.

- Admission requirement of undergraduate programs and level-7 specialized training programs: learners must complete high school or equivalent.

- Admission requirements of masters programs: learners must complete undergraduate study (or equivalent level or higher) in a suitable academic discipline and have level-3 foreign language qualification according to the Vietnamese 6-level framework of reference for foreign languages or equivalent.

Admission requirements of research-oriented masters programs: learners must hold a bachelor's degree classified as good or higher or have published scientific papers related to the field of training for which they are applying.

- Admission requirements of doctoral programs: learners must complete graduate study or a level-7 specialized training program in a suitable academic discipline or hold a bachelor's degree classified as very good (or equivalent or higher degree) in a suitable academic discipline;

And have level-4 foreign language qualification according to the Vietnamese 6-level framework of reference for foreign languages (or equivalent or higher qualification); and have research capacity and experience.

3. Expected learning outcomes of training programs in Vietnam

According to Article 5 of Circular 17/2021/TT-BGDDT, the requirements for expected learning outcomes of a training program:

-. Be clear and practical; name academic results concerning general understanding and core capacity at the education level as well as specific requirements of the field of training or academic discipline that learners should achieve after they complete the program.

- Measure and evaluate according to cognitive learning levels, providing the basis for design, application and improvement of teaching content and methods; assess learners’ performance and award degrees to learners.

- Be consistent with objectives of the training program, show contributions in a clear manner and include requirements representative of employers and other relevant parties.

- Specify the education level and ensure expected learning outcomes concerning necessary knowledge, skills, independence, responsibilities and capacity according to regulations for the corresponding level in the Vietnamese Qualifications Framework.

- Ensure relevance to admission requirements of the higher education level (if any) and, concurrently, facilitate admission to other programs at the same level, especially programs in the same academic discipline group or field of training.

- Be elaborated in expected learning outcomes of units of study and components of the training program, and adopted in a systematic manner via connections between units of study and components.

- Be feasible and appropriate to the program load so that the majority of learners, who meet admission requirements, can complete the program in standard time.

Quoc Dat


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