Responsibilities of vehicle owners in the implementation of vehicle registration in Vietnam from January 1, 2025

Responsibilities of vehicle owners in the implementation of vehicle registration in Vietnam from January 1, 2025
Anh Hao

Below is the content of the regulations regarding the responsibilities of vehicle owners in the implementation of vehicle registration in Vietnam from January 1, 2025.

Responsibilities of vehicle owners in the implementation of vehicle registration in Vietnam from January 1, 2025

On November 15, 2024, the Minister of Public Security of Vietnam issued Circular 79/2024/TT-BCA stipulating the issuance and revocation of vehicle registration certificates and license plates for motor vehicles and specialized motor vehicles.

Article 6 of Circular 79/2024/TT-BCA prescribes the responsibilities of vehicle owners in vehicle registration implementation in Vietnam from January 1, 2025, as follows:

(1) Comply with legal regulations on vehicle registration; provide honest, complete, and accurate information as prescribed for vehicle registration; bear legal responsibility for the legality of the vehicle and its documentation; vehicle owners must have a bank account when submitting or receiving refunds electronically for vehicle registration fees.

(2) Bring the vehicle to the vehicle registration authority for inspection when procedures for issuing new vehicle registration certificates and license plates are conducted (except for full-process online registration), for issuing registration certificates when the ownership changes, altering the vehicle registration certificates when modifying or changing the vehicle's paintwork.

(3) In cases of procedures for issuing new registration certificates and license plates for Vietnamese citizens for manufactured, assembled, and imported vehicles through the full-process online public service, the vehicle owner uses a level-2 electronic identification account to declare and submit documents via the public service portal or National Identification Application, without bringing the vehicle for inspection. Upon receiving results, it is required to submit a quality control slip from the manufacturer with imprinted engine and chassis numbers marked by the manufacturer (for manufactured and assembled vehicles) or safety technical and environmental protection quality certificates for imported vehicles or a notice of exemption from safety and environmental protection inspection for imported vehicles with imprinted engine and chassis numbers marked by the importing unit (for imported vehicles) to the vehicle registration authority.

In the absence of paper documents, submit a printout from the electronic database system of the manufacturer's quality control slip with imprinted engine and chassis numbers marked by the manufacturer (for manufactured and assembled vehicles) or safety technical and environmental protection certificates for imported vehicles or notice of exemption from safety and environmental protection inspection for imported vehicles with imprinted engine and chassis numbers marked by the importing unit (for imported vehicles).

(4) Within 30 days from the date the competent authority issues a certificate on the safety and environmental protection for modified motor vehicles or changes information regarding the vehicle owner's name, owner’s identification number, or when the vehicle registration certificate expires, the vehicle owner must visit the vehicle registration authority to proceed with the procedures to exchange or revoke the vehicle registration certificate and license plate (hereinafter referred to as revocation procedures) as prescribed.

(5) Upon transferring, exchanging, giving as a gift, or bequeathing the vehicle (hereinafter referred to as transferring vehicle ownership):

- The vehicle owner must retain the vehicle registration certificate and license plate (not handing them over to the organization or individual receiving the transfer of vehicle ownership) and submit them to the vehicle registration authority when proceeding with revocation procedures; in case of vehicle ownership transfer with an auctioned plate, the vehicle owner submits the vehicle registration certificate to the vehicle registration authority when proceeding with revocation procedures;

- Within 30 days from the date the ownership transfer document is made, the vehicle owner named in the vehicle registration certificate must proceed with revocation procedures; if this period is exceeded without revocation or handing over the vehicle registration certificate and license plate to the organization or individual receiving the transfer of vehicle ownership for revocation procedures, the authorized person shall conduct administrative penalty procedures before resolving the situation; if the vehicle owner does not proceed with revocation procedures, an administrative violation record will be made against the vehicle owner, and penalties will be imposed in accordance with legal provisions; the organization or individual receiving the transfer of ownership can sign the administrative violation record as a witness and sign related documents in the revocation procedures;

- After the vehicle registration authority completes the revocation procedures, the organization or individual receiving the transfer of ownership proceeds with the procedures for issuing vehicle registration certificates and license plates as prescribed.

(6) Within 07 working days from the date the vehicle reaches its end-of-life, is no longer usable, or is dismantled, the vehicle owner must declare on the public service portal or directly report to the vehicle registration authority and submit the vehicle registration certificate, license plate to the vehicle registration authority or the Commune Police (regardless of the location or residence of the vehicle owner) for revocation procedures.

(7) The organization or individual named in the vehicle registration certificate continues to bear the vehicle owner’s responsibilities when the vehicle registration certificate and license plate revocation procedures have not been completed in cases requiring revocation as prescribed.

More details can be found in Circular 79/2024/TT-BCA which takes effect from January 1, 2025.


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