07 Factors to Consider When Evaluating Coastal Resources

The content is stipulated in Circular 29/2016/TT-BTNMT issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on November 28, 2016, specifying technical regulations for the establishment of coastal protection corridors.

Circular 29 stipulates that the assessment of the status of coastal resources and environment includes the evaluation of the following factors:

- Characteristics of natural conditions, population, occupational structure, and socio-economic aspects of the coastal area;- Distribution rules, potential of coastal resources;- Current status of ecosystems, ecosystem service values, and natural landscapes in the coastal area;- Characteristics, wave policies, and the creation of wave field maps;- Water level fluctuations and sea level rise due to storms;- Erosion and accretion status in the coastal area; the progression, scope, and extent of natural disasters, climate change, and sea-level rise impacts on the coastal area;- Current status and demand for exploitation and use of coastal resources; conflicts in the exploitation and use of coastal resources.

See details in Circular 29/2016/TT-BTNMT, effective from November 28, 2016.

-Thao Uyen-


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