03 cases of adjustment of boundaries of coastal protection corridor of Vietnam

This is an important content specified in Decree No. 41/2016/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government detailing the implementation of certain articles of the Law on resources and environment of sea and islands.

According to Decree No. 40/2016/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, boundaries of the coastal protection corridor shall be adjusted in the following cases:

- There is a significant change of the mean high water line (MHWL) at the coastal area where the coastal corridor must be established;

- Upon irregular request for national defense and security;

- In case of force majeure or disasters, the established coastal protection corridor fails to meet requirements and objectives provided for in Clause 1 Article 23 of the Law on natural resources and environment of sea and islands of Vietnam.

Also according to Decree No. 40/2016/NĐ-CP, announcement and setting up boundary markers of coastal protection corridor shall be carried out as follows:

- Within 20 days from the date on which the decision on approval for boundaries of the coastal protection corridor is issued, people’s committees of coastal provinces shall announce the coastal protection corridor on the mass media.

- Within 60 days from the date on which the decision on approval for boundaries of the coastal protection corridor is issued, Departments of Resources and Environment shall set up boundary markers of the coastal protection corridor.

View details at Decree No. 41/2016/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, effective from July 01, 2016.

- Thanh Lam -


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